Sunday, December 25, 2011

Reliance Controls THP202 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 2 Functions

!±8± Reliance Controls THP202 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 2 Functions

Brand : Reliance | Rate : | Price : $71.99
Post Date : Dec 25, 2011 21:12:43 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Phone-Out Alarm 2 Sensor, Keypad Base Unit Plugs Into Phone Line & Electrical Outlet, Internal Temperature & Power Outage Sensors Monitor Home For Power Failure & Low Temperature, Base Unit Calls Up To 3 Telephone Numbers Anywhere In NorthAmerica When Problem Occurs, Identifies Specific Problem With Voice Message Followed By User Instructions For Remote Deactivation, Clamshell, Battery Included.

  • Ideal for monitoring homes, condos, cottages, outbuildings, cabins, and businesses
  • Automatically contacts up to three different owner-programmed phone numbers in the event of power failure or low temperature conditions
  • Continues calling for up to 10 hours if needed
  • Easy to connect to existing telephone lines with no special wiring required
  • Includes 9-volt backup battery

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Minder Research MRC880 Wireless Receiver Kit

!±8± Minder Research MRC880 Wireless Receiver Kit

Brand : Minder Research | Rate : | Price : $0.00
Post Date : Dec 21, 2011 05:36:40 | N/A

Never jump into freezing water again! The floating water sensor displays the temperature of your pool from up to 328 feet away so you always know exactly what the temperature is. The receiver displays indoor temperature/humidity plus temperature trend/bat

  • Monitor pool, spa, hot tub, aquarium or pond water temperature from up to 328ft. (100M)
  • Indoor receiver & floating transmitter have easy-to-read oversized digital displays
  • Programmable Hi/Lo temp. alarm to warn if hot tub may freeze or it's time to "jump in"
  • Receiver displays indoor temp. humidity plus temp trend/battery condition

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Dog Aggression - Understanding Why?

!±8± Dog Aggression - Understanding Why?

Aggression is one of the main reasons that dogs are euthanised or rehomed; at least 30% of all dogs in rescue centres are there because of the incidence of aggressive behaviour in one form or another. It is actually unusual to have a dog that is aggressing to have just one type of aggression; most dogs have more than one of the following types of behaviour.

It would be prudent, before embarking on a program of aggressive behaviour modification, to rule out any medical reasons for that behaviour, especially if there is a sudden change in the dog's temperament. Their are some fifty-odd different medical reasons why a dog may be showing aggressive tendencies, these range from Pain to Thyroid Dysfunction, Epilepsy to Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes.

The following is a list of the more common aggressions and why they may be occurring. This is only a part of the total types. Because of the constraints of space it can only be a fleeting reference.

1. Fear / Nervous Aggression (Interdog)

Quite often, this behaviour has its roots directly to the pup's mother. Breeders that breed from fearful and timid bitches will often make excuses as to why you cannot see the dam. If you do view a litter of puppies and the mother is fearful, then do not even think of buying the puppy. It will be almost a certainty that the pups will inherit some of the mother's traits, through both genetics and socialisation, genetically the pups may inherit her timidity and through the time they are with her will observe her fear and follow suit.

Scientific research has shown that even the pups that are born to a solid and stable mother that are then put with a bitch that is fearful, they will pick up some of the unstable habits from the fearful dog. Other reasons for this fear type of problem is when the puppy or adult dog is attacked by another dog, especially whilst on the lead, with no means of escape and restricted from showing submissive body language to the attacker.

Lack of early socialisation can also have an affect on this type of behaviour, If the young pup, especially between the age of seven and sixteen weeks, is not carefully socialised with both adult and pups alike, then they do not learn to "meet and greet". The complex body language dogs learn at this age is crucial to their later behaviour when approaching unknown dogs. If they are unable to either perform or understand the greeting rituals, then they are immediately viewed with suspicion by the approaching dog, and conflict may arise

How can you tell if it is fear?

With nervous and fear aggressive dogs, you will find that they will react aggressively to any dog, regardless of whether it is male or female. The behaviour is often worse if the dog is on the lead or is cornered, especially if close to the owner, who backs up the behaviour, (though unwittingly) by becoming nervous and agitated as the other dog approaches.

This manifests itself in a tightening up on the lead and shoulders. Nervous owners also kick out a cloud of adrenaline that the dog instantly detects, this causes it to look for what is causing the concern. It sees the dog approaching and reacts accordingly. This type of dog is also normally a barker, it will lunge and bark at the approaching dog but generally will not snap unless all its options have run out. ie flight or freeze and after all its threat posturing the other dog has still got too close.

This problem can often be diagnosed if someone who is confident around dogs (that the dog does not know well) takes it out on the lead. It will not get the same fearful vibes from the owner, therefore the reaction to another dogs approaching will be less intense. It is a good way of finding out if your dog suffers fear aggression, as the behaviour will either not be exhibited or will be less pronounced. The owner can then use a desensitisation program for both the dog and themselves.

2. Fear / Nervous Aggression (Inter-human)

Once again, this can be caused through lack of early socialisation, bad breeding and sometimes lack of handling at an early age, starting as young as two weeks old. Pups that are not handled gently and often by the breeder do not get a strong olfactory and tactile bond with humans. This is often the case with puppy farmed dogs and dogs born to large breeders. This handling at such an early age causes a mild stress response in the tiny pup, which benefits its ability to cope with many situations including people and dogs in later life

Nervous and fear aggressing is always defensive in nature, sometimes it is related to the sex of the person. If the breeder was female, and very few males visited or handled the puppies, then the timidity and fear may be worse with men. This particular problem like interdog hostility, will manifest itself mainly with individuals rather than crowds.

You will find that the dog will bark a lot but will be under a table or behind a settee. The tail will be down and although it may seem overtly aggressive, the dogs balance and weight will be on the back foot not over the front feet. This demonstrates that the dog wants you to go away and is not initially trying to bite or attack you. A gradual and careful introduction to the stimulus that is causing the fear with positive reinforcement for calm behaviour is the way to overcome this type of problem though the dog will rarely make a total and full recovery and will never be life and soul of the park and greeting parties.

3. Frustration Aggression

Research has shown that dogs who are not allowed to interact "normally" with people and dogs who were prone to displays of bad temper and behaviour that was overtly aggressive are dogs that are generally restrained or restricted from normal interactions (interactions with people, other dogs, and the outside world). The dog develops an intense desire to gain access to all of those things he desires.

This desire can escalate into escape and roaming behaviour, agitation, biting and unprovoked attacks. It is often observed in dogs that are left tied up in flats, left in gardens, or near a window where they can see the things they want to interact with, but cannot get to them therefore display unprovoked aggression. To some extent, the aggression shown to the postman is based on frustration. I have seen dogs attack their owner or a second dog in the home because it cannot get to the deliveryman.

As with most aggressive behaviours early socialisations and an understanding of how dogs learn and communicate are essential.

4. Sexual aggression.

This type of aggression is usually limited to male dogs. They will mount both people and other dogs. Mounting activity directed towards humans may reflect a lack of opportunity for the dog to play with other dogs, or an over-attachment to people in early life, mounting on other dogs especially if they initially try to put their heads over the other dog's necks can be related to rank and control complex behaviour. Castration and behaviour modification can help with this problem. Allowing the dog to mate may often be recommended by the amateur dog expert, this normally makes the problem far worse.

5 Territorial Aggression

This may be towards other dogs, people or both. By definition, territorial aggression should be directed toward members of the same species ie other dogs. Domestic dogs, however, seem to regard humans in this regard as conspecific, and consequently may direct territorial aggression toward us When dogs display aggression to strangers only on the home property garden, house, or yard, yet do not respond aggressively to strangers on neutral territory, then territorial aggression is the likely diagnosis. There are two primary motivations for territorial behaviour, control complex behaviour ie dominance or fear/anxiety. It may be worse in a small space such as a car than in an open area. Some dogs like this can be fine in the home, but not so good in the garden.

The only answer to this problem is to work on the dominant/territorial problem in a way in which a dog understands its position through a behaviour modification programme using position reinforcement techniques. Remember not to praise for the cessation of bad behaviour rather praise for that bad behaviour not happening in the first place. In other words, say the dog jumps up on someone and you say "OFF" if the dogs get off then do not praise as you will be praising for the inappropriate behaviour, which was the jumping.

6. Control Complex / Dominant Aggression

The word dominant is a dirty word in dog behavioural circles at present however if we understand the word means position and is much more complex that just aggression, then to ignore this area of conflict would be remiss. The initial approach to other dogs is often cautionary and contains many status signals, like tail carriage held high and quickly moving from side to side, standing on tiptoe etc. If the other dog submits, then all is usually fine, if not the fighting can be extremely noisy and in some cases quite severe. In both the last two examples, dominant and territorial aggression, I usually find the dog will pull quite badly on the lead. These dogs can also display aggressive tendency towards members of the family this could lead to an attack if not controlled in their early stages. By working on a programme that will give the dog a purpose and a position in life, almost a job and teaching the dog to walk on a loose leash can sometimes overcome the problem. The type of program I would use is the NILIF program, which stands for "Nothing in Life is Free", See my website under dominance

7. Chase or Predatory aggression

This can be directed at many things including dogs, cats, or anything that stimulates a chase response. Squirrels are a favourite, as their quick jerky movements seem to stimulate even the most placid of dogs. I see a lot of predatory chase aggression in for instance Border Collies, in particular stimulants like bikes, skateboards joggers and cars.

One of the key factors that distinguish predatory aggression from other forms of aggression is that movement often is the trigger . In the wild, this movement is in the form of running and escape attempts of a small animals. Predatory behaviour can be seen in dogs of any sex and age.

Dogs that show intense interest and become aroused or anxious by the movement or noise of children or other pets should be closely monitored at all times. Prognosis is not good for this type of aggression. Reward based obedience training can help, however this is only any use if the owner/trainer is able to constantly monitor the dog at all times.

It is easier to control the chase stimulus when it is directed at cars, joggers, or bikes. Two types of common treatment's include counter-conditioning used to change the dogs' perception of the falsely identified prey. Many also believe punishment works ie noise aversion when the behaviour is first stimulated. Throwing water from a car window or sounding a rape alarm or air horn at the exact time the dog takes off, throwing down a plastic bottle of stones from a passing bike or car can sometimes alter this behaviour.

However. To be effective, punishment must be seen as aversive and the timing of the punishment must be exact so that the dog associates the punishment with the behaviour. Electric shock collars have also been suggested but are not part of treatment programs I would ever recommend.

As mentioned aggression often has its origins in bad breeding, lack of socialisation, high prey drive, and poor basic training can also exacerbate the situation. However, as stated before it can be related to medical conditions and before embarking on a course of behavioural therapy have your dog checked over to see if there are any underlying medical conditions.

Learned aggression can normally be cured however, hereditary aggression cannot, it can only be controlled and hopefully contained. Castration sometimes helps, and should be considered in an overall aggression reduction program. With all aggression cases, you should consider a behaviourist or a dog trainer experienced in these problems, before the problems becomes life threatening either to the dog or the person they are aggressing against.

Dog Aggression - Understanding Why?

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Oregon Scientific WR113 Weather Radio with Temperature and Freeze Alarm

!±8± Oregon Scientific WR113 Weather Radio with Temperature and Freeze Alarm

Brand : Oregon Scientific | Rate : | Price : $64.99
Post Date : Dec 10, 2011 04:34:51 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

Stay informed and safe when you head out to the outdoors for work and play with this NOAA radio with temperature display and freeze alarm. This portable unit receives weather information and emergency broadcasts from the National Weather Service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For added convenience, it displays what the current temperature is and alerts users when the temperature is approaching freezing levels.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Homesaver Security and Temperature Alarm with Remote Site Control

!±8± Homesaver Security and Temperature Alarm with Remote Site Control

Brand : Q Systems Engineering | Rate : | Price :
Post Date : Dec 05, 2011 23:15:10 | N/A

  • Six inputs/zones provide the ability to monitor a variety of input sources
  • Four switched outputs will control up to four heating zones or other systems or remotely change the temperature of a dual setback thermostat (not included).
  • Rechargeable battery-backup system provides up to 50 hours of operation during power failures
  • Detects power failures and notifies the user at up to 8 telephone numbers after a user-configurable period of time, or the user can call in at any time for status
  • Separate user-configurable high and low temperature alarm setpoints for each input

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Homesaver Security and Temperature Alarm with Remote Site Control

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Home Security Installation Overview (Honeywell Ademco Vista 20P)

In this home security video SafeMart shows a preview of the Ademco Vista 20P Installation Guide to the Honeywell Ademco Vista 20P. The full guide comes free with the product and can only be obtained through SafeMart provides home security systems and alarm monitoring that is simple, secure and professional. Wireless home security systems are the most advanced type of system in the industry and we've advanced this technology with our patented Plug & Protect delivery system. Plug & Protect delivers home security and alarm monitoring that is programmed and customized for your home security needs.

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Monday, November 28, 2011

Reliance Controls THP201 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 3 Functions

!±8± Reliance Controls THP201 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 3 Functions

Brand : Reliance | Rate : | Price : $78.95
Post Date : Nov 28, 2011 23:48:04 | Usually ships in 24 hours

  • Automatic phone-out home monitoring system
  • Base unit calls up to three telephone number
  • Keypad base unit plugs into phone line and electrical outlet
  • Will continue calling for up to 10 hours if needed
  • Battery included, UL Listed

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Reliance Controls THP201 Automatic Phone Out Alarm with 3 Functions

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Friday, November 25, 2011

housEvolve Thermostat Kit: Control, Monitor, Alert

!±8± housEvolve Thermostat Kit: Control, Monitor, Alert

Brand : housEvolve | Rate : | Price : $665.00
Post Date : Nov 26, 2011 00:21:27 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

With this housEvolve kit, you have full control of your thermostat by phone from anywhere in the world. You can call in by phone and change your home's temperature to the degree of your choice (between 45F and 85F) and/or switch your HVAC state (heat/cool/on/off) through an easy-to-use voice menu. housEvolve will also alert you by phone to abnormal temperature conditions and power outages.

  • Calls up to 5 pre-programmed numbers to report alerts
  • Current temperature reporting
  • Programmable digital thermostat (daily, weekday, weekend; 9-event program capability)
  • Freeze/overheat reporting
  • Remote and local access to system settings

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Monday, November 21, 2011

FireEar FE-1100-PM Fire, Freeze and Energy Monitor with 1-Year Professional Monitoring Bundle

!±8± FireEar FE-1100-PM Fire, Freeze and Energy Monitor with 1-Year Professional Monitoring Bundle

Brand : Fire | Rate : | Price : $199.99
Post Date : Nov 21, 2011 06:17:54 | Usually ships in 24 hours

FireEar’s self-install monitor and web-based monitoring service safeguards your home, pets and belongings from many harmful events. Protect your home from fire, indoor freeze, extended power outages and energy waste at a price that anyone can afford. Prevent a home fire disaster. When your FireEar Monitor hears your existing smoke detector, it calls the FireEar Service Center, which then alerts you and a friend via SMS text, email, and a phone call. Additionally, a FireEar Professional Monitoring Agent will call your home and unless someone cancels the alert, the Agent will immediately dispatch the Fire Department.

Avoid freeze and water damage. Get an alert when the indoor temperature approaches freezing so you can take action and prevent water damage caused by burst plumbing. Avert power outage ramifications. A dead sump pump? A freezer thawing? Find out when the power goes out and when it is restored so you can act before it’s too late.

Prevent energy waste. For less than a month, you can get an alert when the temperature reaches any of 6 user-settable levels. Find out if you need to take action when guests, renters or the cleaning staff leave the thermostat at the wrong setting. The Professional Monitoring Service bundle includes a FireEar FE-1100 Monitor and a 12 month subscription to the Professional Monitoring plan (a value of ).

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Important Features of a Home Security System

!±8± Important Features of a Home Security System

What are the most important features on a home security system? It's usually not the loud, high-decibel alarm. While this is an effective weapon and can scare some amateur burglars away in a heartbeat, you cannot count on a simple audio alarm system to completely eliminate the threat of burglary. For instance, a crafty burglar could sabotage the sounding system. Even if the system does its job and scares a burglar away for the time being, it does not mean he is done trying to break in, and the machine certainly cannot aid in bringing the thief to justice.

The most important feature on a home security system is the live monitoring service. It is important for any home security company to offer 24-hour-a-day monitoring seven days a week. Monitoring services should uninterrupted. Leading companies, such as ADT, have made it a point to create five different monitoring centers across the United States so that monitoring can continue with a reduced threat of technical difficulties. If you are looking for a home security system, make sure that live monitoring is one of the most-promoted features. Some companies only manage one monitoring center, guaranteeing a great deal of waiting time and technical problems, while others outsource the monitoring responsibilities to overseas workers, not specially trained in home security procedure.

Working with live operators that are exclusively trained in this line of work is the best option. This way, even if the connection is interrupted another center will immediately pick up the monitoring duties. Live monitoring not only handles burglary attempts but can also track other disastrous events like hurricanes, blackouts, tornadoes, flooding and even computer crashes. With a high-tech home security system from a major company, you have the assurance that your home will be monitored as soon as an emergency signal is reported.

How does the process work? After the signal is received, the monitoring center attempts to contact the homeowner by phone to inquire about the possible emergency. If no one answers the phone then the representative will call local authorities to respond in person. Wait a minute! What if the burglar answers the phone? Not to worry, because the caller will be secretly prompted to supply a personal identification code. If the person fails to respond, then the representative alerts local authorities. Local authorities will then arrive at the home and determine the cause of the disturbance.

The home security systems of today offer monitoring services for burglary attempts, fire alarm, AC power failure, smoke and heat, carbon monoxide, water sensors and freeze sensors. With such a smart appliance, you not only protect your home against the threat of burglary but of any situation that could endanger your property or household. You also have the option of upgrading your system to two-way voice, so that you can speak to a live center dispatcher from your home or cell phone.

What is the most important feature of a home security system? Human intelligence that is available through live monitoring services. Choose a company that volunteers to keep their company eye on your most valuable possessions.

Important Features of a Home Security System

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Control Products HS-700 Freezealarm Homesitter Multi-Functional Alarm Dialer with Audible Alarm

!±8±Control Products HS-700 Freezealarm Homesitter Multi-Functional Alarm Dialer with Audible Alarm

Brand : Control Products
Rate :
Price : $76.95
Post Date : Nov 06, 2011 16:34:05
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

HOME SITTER 4 WAY ALARM SYSTEM * Four way alarm protection for your home * Alerts you of low or high temperatures, water leaks, power outages with power out delay timer and low back up battery * Uses phone system to alert you remotely

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